People Puzzle

Solving the People Puzzle

Using a DISC behavioural indicator, you’ll learn how to improve relationships in every area of your life. You’ll gain a new perspective on how to maximise strengths, motivate and encourage others based on their unique personality.

Designed for leadership teams, church staff, mission teams and teachers. The Solving the People Puzzle participant guide contains Biblical references and themes.

This course is also available in Afrikaans.

Understanding the Love of Your Life

Using the DiSC Personality Profile, you’ll gain a new perspective on how God designed your spouse with specific gifts and strengths and you’ll learn how to improve your marriage using these new insights.

This course is also available in Afrikaans.

Sharpening Your People Skills

Using a DISC behavioural indicator, you’ll learn how to improve relationships in every area of your life. You’ll gain a new perspective on how to maximise strengths, motivate and encourage others based on their unique personality.

Designed for leadership teams, company staff, NGO’s, government bodies, teachers and students. With no Bible references in the participant guide, Sharpening Your People Skills can be used in any context.

This course is also available in Afrikaans.

People Puzzle Instructor training

People Puzzle Instructor training certifies you to teach the above THREE LifeChanging people skills live events. Through this one-day Bible-based training you’ll be equipped to bring these live events into both the Christian community and the marketplace.

CLICK HERE for more on the People Puzzle Instructor training.

The first step in Solving the People Puzzle is to discover the unique strengths and weaknesses you bring to every relationship

Understanding Yourself

We tend to focus on the weaknesses of others, not on their strengths… especially those with different behavioural styles.

Sharpening Your People Skills

The second step in Understanding the Love of Your Life is to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of your mate’s personal style as well as your own.

Understanding the Love of Your Life