Love the Word of God like you’ve never loved it beforeYou and your church will explore the authenticity, reliability, power, comfort, interpretation and doing of God’s Word.
40 Days in the Word is a church wide weekly study of six principles of the Word of God.
How many times do members of your church doubt God’s Word, fall prey to others who attack its reliability or not live out its content? Too many of God’s people don’t know God’s Word, don’t really believe God’s Word or don’t ‘do’ God’s Word. Forty Days in the Word will transform your people from ‘hearers’ to ‘doers.’”
– Rick Warren
Live the Word of God like you’ve never lived it before.
40 Days in the Word Campaign
Together with Rick Warren you’ve experienced 40 days of Purpose, Love and Community. Now come along with Rick on a journey of 40 Days in the Word, a journey of eternal significance as you and your church will learn how to be not only a “hearer” of the Word, but also a “doer” of God’s Word.
Like the other Saddleback 40 Days campaigns, the campaign packet will provide all of the resources you’ll need for sermons, small groups and even youth – everything you need to do the entire campaign in your entire church.
40 Days in the Word is a church wide weekly study of six principles of the Word of God. You and your church will explore the authenticity, reliability, power, comfort, interpretation and doing of God’s Word. This eight week journey, led by Rick Warren, will encourage spiritual growth in every member of your church.
The power of multiple reinforcement
The campaign journey is designed around four vital habits that everyone needs to grow spiritually: weekly worship attendance, a weekly group Bible study, a daily quiet time and a weekly Scripture memory verse. Your people will hear about God’s purposes for their lives over and over through a variety of different formats. This will allow Biblical truths to sink deeper into their hearts, which is essential for any permanent life change. You will find your people growing – and going – long after the campaign is finished.
Each weekend of the campaign, the Pastor and the Weekend Services Team will unpack the campaign’s themes for the entire congregation, including adults, youth and children, through special sermons and messages.
A powerful element of the campaign is encouraging people to experience true Biblical community through small groups. The interactive small group curriculum includes a short Bible study taught on video, followed by a guided discussion time where group members dig deep and relate the message to their lives.
Individuals are the heart of the campaign. Each person completes regular reading assignments from the campaign workbook. Social media resources are also available. Individuals are challenged to reflect on the themes of this journey and apply the truth to their lives.
“How many times do members of your church doubt God’s Word, fall prey to others who attack its reliability or not live out its content? Too many of God’s people don’t know God’s Word, don’t really believe God’s Word or don’t ‘do’ God’s Word. Forty Days in the Word will transform your people from ‘hearers’ to ‘doers.’” – Rick Warren
Join Rick Warren on a journey of 40 Days in the Word, a journey of eternal significance as you and your church will learn how to be not only a “hearer” of the Word, but also a “doer” of God’s Word.
40 Days in the Word is a church wide weekly study of six principles of the Word of God. You and your church will explore the authenticity, reliability, power, comfort, interpretation and doing of God’s Word. This eight week journey, led by Rick Warren, will encourage spiritual growth in every member of your church.
Pronounce it! The ultimate purpose of the Bible is not to inform us, it is to transform us. God doesn’t want us to just be hearers of the Word, He wants us to be doers of the Word – living gospels – sharing the good news of Jesus Christ not only in our words, but in our lives.
Picture it! Every person in the world has exactly the same amount of time each week: 168 hours. You don’t have time for everything, you have to make time for things that really count!
Probe it! Bible study without application is dangerous. Get the Probe It! method of Bible meditation!
Paraphrase it! Ultimately, you want to be able to explain the entire verse or passage in your own words. If you can’t put it in your own words, then you don’t truly understand what it is saying.
Personalize it! and Pray it! The Word of God is His love letter to you. And He wants you to open it and experience the joy of getting to know Him through His Word.
Principles of Bible interpretation The Bible is a spiritual book that can only be truly understood by people who are spiritually alive through Jesus Christ.
Why is 40 Days in the Word relevant?
No other habit can do more to transform your life and make you more like Jesus than to study and act upon God’s Word. To be a healthy disciple of Jesus, feeding on God’s Word must be your first priority. Jesus called it “abiding.” He said, “If you abide in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine” (John 8:31 NASB).
By the end of our forty days together, our goal is to help you . . .
- Love the Word of God like you’ve never loved it before
- Learn the Word of God like you’ve never learned it before
- Live the Word of God like you’ve never lived it before
All you need right here
Each church needs: One church campaign kit + One workbook PER adult small group participant.
Get the Campaign Starter Kit and build from there. OPTIONAL FREE EXTRA – up to 10 small group DVD’s*
40 Days in the Word Church Campaign
1 to 99
R99 each
R95 each
R89 each
R85 each
extra small
group dvd
R49 each
Campaign Starter Kit
all you need for 100 participants
includes 1 full church campaign kit + 100 adult small group participant workbooks
OPTIONAL FREE EXTRA – receive 10 campaign DVD’s of your choice*
all for only
Available workbook languages can be mixed and matched. Any combination of available small group, youth or children DVDs may be selected.
Available languages: English and Afrikaans (excluding video and certain resources).