Equipping People. Reaching Kids


at Heart

This is an instructor training event.

Equipping people to reach and teach children for Christ within their own culture. By using readily available local materials and creative teaching methods children’s ministry workers are empowered to help transform lives.

Introducing someone to a LifeChanging relationship with God through His Word is a very special opportunity. Time and time again, people who attend our Live Events tell us what a difference it made in their understanding of the Bible and ultimately, in their understanding of and relationship with, God Himself.

As an Instructor, you can dramatically increase the impact of your teaching in your current role and open up opportunities to touch more lives.

Teaching God’s Word. Revitalising People’s Walk.



If you have a heart to impact children’s lives in a major, LifeChanging way and you have a passion for teaching, mentoring and coaching, then you’ll find becoming a KidZ at Heart Instructor one of the best investments of your time and gifting.

Available to

KidZ At Heart Instructor training is available for people who have completed the KidZ at Heart Teacher Certificate. We are looking for vibrant, creative people who love God and children who are willing to give between four to eight Saturdays a year to help facilitate Live Events.


When you teach this Live Event you will have the following teaching aids and materials available to you: Handouts. KidZ at Heart Instructors are trained to teach without PowerPoint, while using other presentation aids that may be easily on hand.

Remember: A KidZ at Heart Instructor teaches KidZ at Heart modules to adults and young people to equip them to reach and teach children.  

Available to you

While your initial Instructor Training will be in English (unless otherwise indicated), afterwards you are be encouraged to teach the Live Event in the languages of your choice. You can teach in your mother tongue.


KidZ at Heart Instructors are required to remain certified in order to teach the KidZ at Heart Live Events. Ready to maximise your training investment and to take the next step up? You want to achieve and retain the coveted certified Instructor status, along with all the benefits. This group of committed instructors is the heart of the legendary Walk Thru the Bible Live Events – and you are invited!

See the Instructor FAQ section for all the details and benefits of being a certified Instructor.

KidZ at Heart Live Event key facts (for when you teach)

Duration: 3 to 7 hours, depending on the module you are teaching.
Audience profile: Adults; Teens.
Audience size: A recommended audience size is 10 participants or more. Minimum should be 5.
Participant materials: Handout. Confirm language availability.
Presentation aids: As per training.
Venue options: Hall, classroom, open air, boardroom, other similar.
Participant certificates: Optional participant certificates are available at an additional fee and this needs to be arranged in advance with the Instructor.

Take the next step today:

Review all the information and options under ‘Live Events’ on this website.
Carefully review the Instructor FAQ
Review the Instructor Rebate Offer
Contact Walk Thru the Bible South Africa to discuss your personal KidZ at Heart Instructor training options.

Unlock the treasures of God’s Word for others.

For any questions you may have at any time please contact Walk Thru the Bible in Johannesburg on 011-782-4222 (+27-11-782-4222) or email [email protected] and we’ll call to you back.