40 Days of Community
What on earth are WE here for?
We were never meant to live out God’s purposes in solitude. 40 Days of Community will help move your congregation toward spiritual maturity and a meaningful life on earth, revealing how God uses other people for your good and growth.
From the beginning, God’s plan has been that you will fulfill His purposes in community with other people – people in your church family, in your small group, and in the world around you. The Bible says we were formed for fellowship, and it’s only in community that we learn life’s most important lesson – how to love.
Take the next step in growing a life of purpose and meaning and join together for this 40-day spiritual journey. Lives will be touched, people will begin a relationship with Christ, practical needs will be met, the church will become known more for the love it shows, and we will see a spiritual awakening that is desperately needed in our culture.
We were never meant to live out God’s purposes in solitude.
Criteria to obtain the 40 Days of Community Church Campaign components
The 40 Days of Community components and low pricing are only available to local churches doing the 40 Days of Community Church Campaign.
The whole local church is participating, not just a segment.
Every participant has his/her own original participant guide.
Orders need to be paid for before shipping.
The quantity you order cannot be reduced or returned once invoiced and shipped (why?**), but can be increased.
DVD’s may not be duplicated – see the full duplication policy here
**Walk Thru the Bible is not able to fund the large stock quantities required for consignment.
40 Days of Community Church Campaign required components and pricing
40 Days of Community Church Campaign Kit
At least one original 40 Days of Community Church Campaign Kit per local church is required.
Better Together book
One original Better Together book per participant is required. This 239-page book includes: 40 days of devotional readings based on the ‘One Anothers’ of the Bible; 40 days of journaling pages f0r you to record your thoughts and prayers in response to your devotional reading; The complete study guide for the 40 Days of Community small group video lessons taught by Pastor Rick Warren.
Saam is Ons Beter boek
Een oorspronklike Saam is Ons Beter boek per deelnemer word vereis. Hierdie 239-bladsy boek sluit in: 40 dae van oordenkingstukkies gebaseer op die ‘mekaar-opdragte’ van die Bybel; 40 dae van joernaal bladsye sodat jy jou gedagtes en gebede oor jou oordenking kan neerskryf; Die hele studiegids vir 40 Dae van Gemeenskap kleingroep video lesse soos aangebied deur Pastoor Rick Warren.
40 Days of Community Small Group DVD
One original Small Group Study DVD per small group is required. The 40 Days of Community Small Group DVD is only available in English, although it can be easily used in other-language groups.
All you need right here
Each church needs: One church campaign kit + One workbook PER adult small group participant.
Get the Campaign Starter Kit and build from there. OPTIONAL FREE EXTRA – up to 10 small group DVD’s*
40 Days of Community Church Campaign
1 to 99
R99 each
R95 each
R89 each
R85 each
extra small
group dvd
R49 each
Campaign Starter Kit
all you need for 100 participants
includes 1 full church campaign kit + 100 adult small group participant workbooks
OPTIONAL FREE EXTRA – receive 10 campaign DVD’s of your choice*
all for only
Available workbook languages can be mixed and matched. Any combination of available small group, youth or children DVDs may be selected.
Available languages: English and Afrikaans (excluding video and certain resources).
40 Days of Community Church Campaign required components and pricing
40 Days of Community Church Campaign Kit
At least one original 40 Days of Community Church Campaign Kit per local church is required.
Better Together book
One original Better Together book per participant is required. This 239-page book includes: 40 days of devotional readings based on the ‘One Anothers’ of the Bible; 40 days of journaling pages f0r you to record your thoughts and prayers in response to your devotional reading; The complete study guide for the 40 Days of Community small group video lessons taught by Pastor Rick Warren.
Saam is Ons Beter boek
Een oorspronklike Saam is Ons Beter boek per deelnemer word vereis. Hierdie 239-bladsy boek sluit in: 40 dae van oordenkingstukkies gebaseer op die ‘mekaar-opdragte’ van die Bybel; 40 dae van joernaal bladsye sodat jy jou gedagtes en gebede oor jou oordenking kan neerskryf; Die hele studiegids vir 40 Dae van Gemeenskap kleingroep video lesse soos aangebied deur Pastoor Rick Warren.
40 Days of Community Small Group DVD
One original Small Group Study DVD per small group is required. The 40 Days of Community Small Group DVD is only available in English, although it can be easily used in other-language groups.
Saam is Ons Beter boek
Een oorspronklike Saam is Ons Beter boek per deelnemer word vereis. Hierdie 239-bladsy boek sluit in: 40 dae van oordenkingstukkies gebaseer op die ‘mekaar-opdragte’ van die Bybel; 40 dae van joernaal bladsye sodat jy jou gedagtes en gebede oor jou oordenking kan neerskryf; Die hele studiegids vir 40 Dae van Gemeenskap kleingroep video lesse soos aangebied deur Pastoor Rick Warren.