Campaign Basics

A well-planned, well-run church campaign can change your church.

Walk Thru the Bible-facilitated Church Campaigns have a proven track record in southern Africa, based on multiple positive feedback received.

The Power of Alignment

The Power of Alignment

The Power of Alignment The Big Picture Through weekend services, small group studies, and regular reading assignments from the optional companion book to these Church Campaigns, your entire church family will focus on the same spiritual themes for a concentrated...

Twelve Tips for a Successful Campaign – Steve Gladen

A step-by-step guide from a campaign superhero – Steve Gladen

Having lived through 9 campaigns (running point on 5) in my 12 years as Small-Group Pastor here at Saddleback, I have discovered that a strategy is only as good as the foundation and follow-through that surrounds it. As they say, the devil is in the details. Read the full article HERE