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Walk Thru the Bible PostCards December 2024

Walk Thru the Bible PostCards December 2024

Who we are / Free resource: O Holy Night / Out of the mouth of babes / Thank youWho we are - and a glimpse into what Walk Thru the Bible is doing around the help people everywhere live God’s Word. Because the Bible really does change everything! For an...

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Are You Stuck in Your Bible Reading?

Getting stuck is easy. Getting unstuck is often painfully hard.

This is true in many areas of our human experience. We can get stuck on our weight loss journey, and it takes difficult and intentional decisions to get back on track again. We can get stuck in our careers, which might require a big, scary move to keep us pursuing our professional goals. We can get stuck on our financial goals—an unexpected expense happens, or it’s time for a vacation, or we get downsized—and then we have painful decisions to make.

Stuck-ness can happen in every aspect of life, from fitness to finances to faith. It is not hard to get stuck in our thinking, habits, and day-to-day-ness. It doesn’t take much effort or even awareness to get stuck.

Sometimes, we can get even stuck in our Bible reading.