Genius of Generosity
Why It’s Genius to Be Generous
The “secrets” to being financially savvy are all around us. Just go to your local bookstore to read all the books written on finances, or turn on the television or computer to see wise tips from financial experts. So the question is what is so genius about generosity? After all, our world celebrates people who have learned how to have it all… not those who have learned to give it all away.
The Bible teaches that the wisest thing we can do with our resources is to learn to invest them in His kingdom; and that becoming a generous person is the smartest way to prepare for an eternal future.
The Genius of Generosity offers fresh, thought-provoking concepts about generosity, examples of people living out the genius of generosity in real life, as well as summaries and reflection questions designed to help guide your personal reflection or small group reflection.
Don’t be satisfied with earthly stock options and interest rates — learn the genius of generosity and expand your portfolio of earthly rewards!
The Genius of Generosity includes the following messages:
- Why It’s Genius to Be Generous
- The Principle with Secret Power
- Why God Prospers Generous People
- How God Measure Generosity
One key to intimacy with God is generosity. It’s so simple, it’s genius.
Are you a pastor or church leader looking to raise the tide of generosity in your church or ministry and lead your people to greater spiritual maturity through giving?
Are you interested in spreading the message of Biblical generosity and stewardship in your church?
Here you have everything you need to create an effective generosity campaign in your church.
Led by Chip Ingram, Genius of Generosity is a church-wide, four week journey that will infuse a practical and inspirational message of Biblical generosity in your church.
Even in this current economic environment, your church can begin a new generosity story. It can start with a common vision and simple conversations – leading to the discovery that generosity is truly genius. Genius of Generosity provides new, inexpensive tools to help lead your people on a four week spiritual journey leveraging multiple teaching environments – preaching on Sunday, teaching during small groups, celebrating through powerful videos to use during worship services and learning through individual study during devotions.
Genius. How often do you use that word to describe something in your life? Not in the “Way to lose the remote, Genius” sense… but in the true spirit of the word. How often do you honestly think, “That was genius” when you look back on your life decisions?
Genius is not a word that we use too often. Maybe that’s because outside of Jesus, and maybe a few Mensa friends, it doesn’t typically apply to the things around us. Going to college is smart; listening to our elders is wise; fixing the desk with duct tape is clever, but none of those things are really genius. However, in a culture that is obsessed with possessions, generosity truly is genius.
Chip Ingram uses the story of a personal friendship and a secret pact to demonstrate that generosity is the gateway to intimacy with God. And as we grow closer to God, we get better at imitating Him. That’s why Chip says that practicing generosity helps us become “small mirrors of the generosity of the King. That’s life in the Kingdom. And that’s pure genius.”
Generous living is attractive to an unbelieving world, especially in turbulent economic times. With church and family budgets stretched how do you spur on generosity in your church?
The comprehensive Genius of Generosity church campaign has everything you need to help raise the tide of generosity in your church and lead your people to greater spiritual maturity through giving…
- Preach powerfully and effectively on generosity
- Optional generosity video promos to compliment your preaching and campaign promotion
- Teach and apply key Biblical truths in small groups
- Learning through individual study during personal devotions
- Engage your church in creative generosity ideas and applications
As you think about the direction for your campaign, we want to encourage you to start with one goal in mind. Make this campaign about what you want FOR your members…instead of what you want FROM them. This is not a traditional finance campaign. It’s not just about growing the budget, it’s about growing disciples.
Three tips for making the most of this church campaign:
1. Teach on generosity apart from an ask or appeal. Make sure the congregation understands God’s Heart on finances. Show them that this is a discipleship matter, not just a budget issue!
2. Align the entire church around the theme of Biblical generosity. When all segments of the church are focused on one unifying message, the impact is exponentially greater.
3. Have a clear and measurable call to action. Find one practical way to begin engaging your people in generous living. This will help them blossom as financially faithful and generous stewards in a materialistic world.
Grow your vision for unleashing generous disciples.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could bottle the mysterious power of generosity and offer it as a gift to everyone around us? The world would be a different place. We all know that a generous heart can change lives and even change the world. After all, when God wanted to change the world He sent us the “indescribable gift” of Jesus. That’s God’s way; He’s generous. And through His radical generosity He began a process of sowing new life into the hearts of twelve unruly, ungenerous men. Ultimately, God’s generosity unleashed a Church of generous disciples (Acts 2).
Imagine what your church would look like if it were characterized in the same way—as a group of generous disciples. What would happen if a significant wave of your congregation started imitating God’s generosity 24/7—and not just for the offering plate? This would be the gospel mobilised and at work. Maybe it’s time to give deeper meaning to the offering plate. Maybe it’s time to seriously consider the power of Biblical generosity.
Genius of Generosity has been designed to help churches like yours with this “unleashing” process. To help you sow the seeds of generosity in your church so you can …
reap a harvest of generous disciples who live generously to change the world around them.
Remarkably, many believers never even consider the relationship between materialism, generosity and discipleship. Seriously. But, for those who see it clearly, this relationship changes everything. When the Spirit of God brings people together around this message, it has the power to move churches from stagnant to flourishing. It has the ability to shift spiritual growth into high gear. That’s when we begin to see God’s people intentionally becoming selfless, sacrificial and seeking to become an active part of God’s redemptive process.
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything or our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19
All you need right here
Each church needs: One church campaign kit + One workbook PER adult small group participant.
Get the Campaign Starter Kit and build from there. OPTIONAL FREE EXTRA – up to 10 small group DVD’s*
Genius of Generosity Church Campaign
1 to 99
R69 each
R59 each
R49 each
R39 each
extra small
group dvd
R49 each
Campaign Starter Kit
all you need for 100 participants
includes 1 full church campaign kit + 100 adult small group participant workbooks
OPTIONAL FREE EXTRA – receive 10 campaign DVD’s of your choice*
all for only
Available workbook languages can be mixed and matched. Any combination of available small group, youth or children DVDs may be selected.
Available languages: English and Afrikaans (excluding video and certain resources).
The Genius of Generosity Church Campaign Base Package is Available for R39.00 (Incl VAT) per person. Included in this Package are the Following:
- One Church Campaign Kit,
- One original small group DVD for every small group in your church,
- One original study guide for every small group member.
Genius of Generosity Church Campaign components and pricing
Genius of Generosity Church Campaign Kit
In the Campaign Kit you will have all material on how to prepare, promote and run the campaign. At least one original Genius of Generosity Church Campaign Kit per local church is required. Pastors (one per local church) can make use of the free Preview: Retain-or-Return option, click here for details. The Genius of Generosity Church Campaign Kit is included free when you commit to do the campaign. Each Genius of Generosity Church Campaign Kit contains (subject to change without notice):
One Genius of Generosity participant study guide – Essential to guide participants through the four weekly sessions.
One 4 Week Small Group Teaching DVD – Four 15 minute video messages by Chip Ingram for small group study, four Genius Life video clips and four pdf small group leader facilitation guides
Campaign Resource DVD – Contains many tools to help you customize the campaign specifically for your church, such as video promos, campaign files, project files, facilitator guides, logo, graphics, sermons, a PowerPoint template and more.
Genius of Generosity study guide (English & Afrikaans)
One original 102-page Genius of Generosity study guide is required per Small Group participant. This essential resource guides participants through four weeks of Small Group study on their journey to generosity.
Study guide contents include:
Chapter 1: Why It’s Genius to Be Generous
Chapter 2: The Principle with Secret Power
Chapter 3: Why God Prospers Generous People
Chapter 4: How God Measures Generosity
Take Action – The Genius Giving Group
Summary of Bright Ideas
Genius of Generosity Small Group DVD (English)
One original small group Study DVD per small group is required. This DVD contains four powerful small group lessons taught by Chip Ingram. Each 15-minute lesson, combined with the materials from the Genius of Generosity study guide, will inspire every member of your small group to greater spiritual maturity through giving. Also on this small group DVD are the four Genius Life video clips that each chapter closes with, along with four small group leader facilitator guides in pdf-format.
Sponsorships available
If your local church is in a position where you require a part-sponsorship on the Genius of Generosity participant study guides to enable you to do the church campaign, please do contact Walk Thru the Bible first. Walk Thru the Bible exists to serve churches!
To place your order please email [email protected], call 011-782-4222 (+27-11-782-4222) or submit a ‘Contact me’ request.
The pricing and availability of these church campaign components are subject to change, without notice.
Genius of Generosity youth and children’s component – not currently available[
Geagte Predikant,
Dit is vir Walk Thru the Bible ‘n voorreg om reeds jare lank ons seminare in Afrikaans te vertaal. Dosyne Afrikaanse gemeentes gebruik ons “church campaigns” met uitstekende resultate. Hierdie programme word gelei deur predikante wat die boodskappe hulle eie maak en in hul eie taal predik.
Ons het gewoonlik ook vertaalde PowerPoint en preeknotas vir Sondae. Hierdie spesifieke vertalingsproses is tans aan die gang met Genius of Generosity.
Die Afrikaanse Genius of Generosity studie gids vir kleingroep deelnemers behoort gedurend die tweede helfde van 2015 beskikbaar te wees. Die Engelse video deur Chip Ingram word gemaklik beleef deur oorgrote lidmate, omdat hulle wel gesprek voer in Afrikaans.
U kan ons help om die Afrikaanse boekies vinniger te druk deur ons kantoor te laat weet dat u gemeente graag deel van die eerste Afrikaanse oplaag wil bestel. Dit help met kostes, beplanning en bespoedig alles as dit vir u belangrik is om wel die gids ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar te he.
Ons is lief vir Afrikaans – en tog bly ons mense ken vandag se “Grieks” en kan soos die kerk in Handelinge ‘n “tweede taal” lees. Weet ook dat die Engels ook lidmate skool om hul geloof ook na andertaliges makliker uit te dra.
In Sy diens,
Die Walk Thru the Bible span
About your teacher
Chip Ingram is Senior Pastor of Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, California and President of Living on the Edge, a teaching and discipleship ministry that provides practical help for everyday believers. He has a unique ability to communicate truth and winsomely challenge people to live out their faith.
He has served as a pastor for more than 25 years and as president of Walk Thru the Bible. The author of 12 books, Chip reaches more than a million people each week on radio and television worldwide. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four adult children and six grandchildren.