Celebrating our graduates / A solid foundation / Launching otLIVE with SU / The Word of life / Meet Stephen

Celebrating Pastor’s Institute and otLIVE graduates!

We acknowledge the hard work and perseverance of these men and women and their commitment to teaching God’s Word for lasting life change in their communities.

“I want to lay a solid foundation for the children and the church a love for the Word of God.”

When the winds of false teachings blow, I want the people to find themselves safe in the Word of God.” Is this a vision you have for your church?

Launching otLIVE with Scripture Union leaders in KZN.

An opportunity to present otLIVE and otSTORIES to 50 SU leaders – influential men and women who minister in schools in KZN. May we partner to see many children develop a passion for God and His Word.

The Word of Life. “I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”

(Psalm 119:15-16) Is this true for us? Or has the Bible become an obligation? Have we forgotten that the Bible is the revealed Word of God, with all the wisdom we need for this life?

Meet Stephen from Kenya:

“This otLIVE tool is so user-friendly that the children are even teaching it to their friends who are not in my classes. And I have heard them say, “We thought the Old Testament was only for the elderly! Now we find it easier to read.”


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Who we are.

God’s Word is hope to our communities. For more than 30 years, Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa has been committed to helping people everywhere live God’s Word. We have partnered with people, like you, who are passionate about making the Bible known, people who know what it’s like to live a life forever transformed by the Word, and people who want to change the world and make an eternal impact. That’s why we exist. We help ignite a passion for God’s Word in people’s hearts through innovative live events and transformational resources. And every day we offer God’s truth to a broken world with this certainty: The Bible changes everything. Now, step into the story…


1 Zonda Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa

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