I am a schoolteacher in the rural areas of Kenya. I was introduced to Walk Thru the Bible four years ago, and personally, I found it motivated me to read the Bible more.

I have identified an opening and a need to bring otLIVE into my teaching. I teach Christian Religious Education (CRE) to children aged 10-14 years old. The only reference book in this subject is the Bible. Here, in Kenya, the Old Testament is an examinable subject for CRE. But the young people don’t find it easy to know what happened in Old Testament history and find it awkward. They like the New Testament more. I have found that otLIVE is a wonderful tool to supplement my teaching and help the students be more comfortable to read and understand the Old Testament. Even the headmaster at the school appreciates otLIVE.

This otLIVE tool is so user friendly that the children are even teaching it to their other friends who are not in my classes.

And as I interact with youth, I have heard them say, “We thought the Old Testament was only for the elderly! We now find it easier and more interesting to read.”

I also interact with trainers and pastors, some of whom have studied theology. They ask me questions that I need to attempt to answer, and otLIVE has helped me answer them.

It is possible to bring otLIVE stories into school groups where there are other religions. I used to work in a school that was dominated by another religion. I would interact with the kids during my lessons. I could talk about a story of someone like Jonah, without mentioning
that it’s from the Bible. I’d talk about somebody who was sent from God. I talked in a creative way – then they recognized “that’s Jonah”.

I am thankful for the otLIVE skills that have helped make my teaching meaningful and help the children feel more comfortable to read the Old Testament.

May God continue to make otLIVE a vital tool in Stephan’s teaching.
