The Power of Alignment
The Big Picture
Through weekend services, small group studies, and regular reading assignments from the optional companion book to these Church Campaigns, your entire church family will focus on the same spiritual themes for a concentrated period of time. Imagine for a moment the impact on your church when each person lives out the principles they read about. This impact grows as those individuals live in powerful community with their small group, and reaches its peak when those small groups come together to experience the power of the principles as an entire congregation! We call this the Power of Alignment. This concentrated time of alignment will bear lasting, eternal fruit in all levels of your church.

The Power of Alignment is best seen in the three major components of the campaign:
1. Individual Participation
Individuals are the heart of the campaign. Each person will complete regular reading assignments from the optional companion book for this campaign. Some campaigns come with devotionals and more. These readings will challenge them to reflect on the themes of this journey and apply truth to their lives.
2. Group Participation
A powerful element of the campaign is encouraging people to experience true biblical community through small groups. The interactive small group curriculum includes a Bible study taught on video, followed by a guided discussion time where group members dig deep and apply the truths of the study to their lives.
3. Weekend Service Participation
Each weekend of the campaign, the Pastor and the Weekend Services Team will unpack the campaign’s themes for your entire congregation through special sermons and music.