A group of young Dutch Reformed Church ministers from the Free State are excited after
recently being trained
to teach otLIVE. 

“otLIVE gave us the context and big picture of the Old Testament.
We needed this before we started our theological training!”


This group, many of whom work in the rural areas of the Free State, will teach otLIVE in schools and churches. They were also enthusiastic about using it in the old age homes where they minister, commenting on how the movement with the hand signs, activity, and fun would be beneficial to all – old and young.

One of the new instructors went home and immediately taught the big picture of God’s story to his family.
Enjoy this video that he sent of his children in action. We rejoice, that already at this young age, these children understand how the stories of the Old Testament fit together – and are able to use the hand signs as fun memory prompts.


For more information about otLIVE, please click here
