– my experience of seeing otLIVE taught in a school in Malawi

The children, all 168 of them, gathered under a tree for their weekly otLIVE lesson. As I watched the lesson, I was astounded to see how the instructor had the children in the palm of her hand. Not one child was looking around or disrupting the class. They were so engaged in what they were learning.
Towards the end, when the time for questioning came, I was also amazed by how much the children had learnt. They had not only enjoyed the lesson, but also taken it in and made it their own. Now I know why the children are so excited to see their otLIVE instructor each time they come! She has such a way with those children and teaches them so well.
I am thrilled to see how the Malawian otLIVE instructors have grown – and how they are helping children not just to understand the big picture of the Bible, but also to know and love the God of the Bible.
The video clip below captures some of their singing together and gives such a great feeling of ‘also being there’ – as I wish you could have been, to experience it with me!”
~Lynnette Stander, Walk Thru the Bible Regional Trainer

Pictured above: The group of otLIVE Malawian instructors
Pictured below: Some of the schools that the instructors cycle to on a weekly basis