The impossible became real / Thank you / Closer Walk / otLIVE around the world / otPANORAMIC for your small group
The impossible becomes real
In Yeshua, the Messiah, the impossible becomes real, not just in fulfilling all the messianic prophecies but in every aspect of Jesus’ ministry. This Christmas, may you be encouraged to remove the stamp of ‘impossible’ from the hopes that you have and from the enigmas that riddle your life.
otPANORAMIC: Available to stream for your next small group study or community outreach!
Language options include English, Afrikaans, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Portuguese, French, Hindi, Tamil, Arabic, and Mandarin Chinese. For free streaming details, study questions, and a Bible reading plan…

Who we are.
God’s Word is hope to our communities. For more than 30 years, Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa has been committed to helping people everywhere live God’s Word. We have partnered with people, like you, who are passionate about making the Bible known, people who know what it’s like to live a life forever transformed by the Word, and people who want to change the world and make an eternal impact. That’s why we exist. We help ignite a passion for God’s Word in people’s hearts through innovative live events and transformational resources. And every day we offer God’s truth to a broken world with this certainty: The Bible changes everything. Now, step into the story…
1 Zonda Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
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+27 (0)11 782 4222