40 Days of Prayer
This prayer resource is one of many powerful tools in 40 Days of Prayer.
ENGLISH: Prayer resources
The temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
It is not a sin to be tempted. The Bible says Jesus was tempted just like we are, but he never sinned. God will never get angry with you when you are tempted. He wants to show you a way out. Here are seven biblical steps that will help you escape temptation.
Step 1: Get into the Word.
When Jesus was tempted, his only defense was the Word of God. He said, “It is written… It is written… It is written.” You cannot say, “It is written,” if you don’t know what is written.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
PSALM 119:11 (NIV)
Step 2: Identify your vulnerabilities.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
Notice that Jesus said it’s not enough just to pray. You also have to watch. Be on your guard. Ask yourself these questions:
When am I most tempted?
What day of the week? What time of day?
Where am I most tempted?
At work? At a friend’s house? At the mall? At a sports bar? Perhaps it’s in the kitchen or in front of the computer. You need to be honest with yourself and admit your area of vulnerability.
Who is with me when I’m most tempted?
Am I most tempted when I’m alone? When I’m with friends who lead me in the wrong direction? When I’m with a crowd of strangers and I think nobody would know me?
How do I feel before I’m tempted?
What is the emotional trigger? Is it frustration, exhaustion, anger, stress? Is it boredom or restlessness? Is it loneliness or self-pity?”
Step 3: Plan what you’re not going to do.
Plan carefully what you do… Avoid evil and walk straight ahead. Don’t go one step off the right way.
PROVERBS 4:26-27 (GNT)
Plan in advance to stay away from people, places, or circumstances that cause you to be vulnerable to temptation. If you don’t want to get stung, stay away from the bees. Plan what you’re not going to do, and then stick to your plan.
Step 4: Guard your heart.
Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.
JAMES 1:14 (NLT)
Temptation is an inside job. The Devil can’t make you do anything. He can try to lure you into temptation, but your actions come from your own decisions, and your decisions reflect the condition of your heart.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.
Step 5: Pray for deliverance.
The prayer of deliverance can be boiled down to just one word: Help! When your back is against the wall, when you’re in over your head, when it seems everything and everyone is conspiring for your downfall, pray the prayer of deliverance. Call out to God for help.
God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
Step 6: Refocus your attention.
Whatever gets your attention gets you. The battle for sin always starts in your mind. The only way to win that battle and escape temptation is to change your focus and think about something else.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Step 7: Find a friend.
You need a spiritual partner to live a spiritual life. If you had a trusted friend to whom you could confess your temptations, you would have fewer sins to confess to God. If you want to have that kind of friend, you must be that kind of friend.
Two are better than one because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help his friend get up. But how tragic it is for the one who is all alone when he falls. There is no one to help him get up.
More resources are waiting for you in 40 Days of Prayer.
AFRIKAANS: Gebedshulpbronne
Geen versoeking wat meer is as wat ’n mens kan weerstaan, het julle oorval nie. God is getrou. Hy sal nie toelaat dat julle bo julle kragte versoek word nie; as die versoeking kom, sal Hy ook die uitkoms gee, sodat julle dit kan weerstaan.
Dit is nie ‘n sonde om versoek te word nie. Die Bybel sê dat Jesus versoek is, net soos ons ook, maar Hy het nooit gesondig nie. God sal nooit kwaad word vir ons wanneer ons versoek word nie. Hy wil vir ons ‘n uitweg wys. Hier is sewe Bybelse stappe wat jou sal help om versoeking vry te spring.
Stap 1: Ken en gebruik die Woord
Toe Jesus versoek is, was Sy enigste verdediging die Woord van God. Hy het gesê: “Daar staan geskrywe… Daar staan geskrywe… Daar staan geskrywe”. Jy kan nie sê,”Daar staan geskrywe,” as jy nie weet wat daar geskryf is nie.
Aan u beloftes hou ek vas, dit weerhou my van sonde teen U.
PSALM 119:11
Stap 2: Identifiseer jou swakhede
“Waak en bid, sodat julle nie in versoeking kom nie. Die gees is gewillig, maar die vlees is swak.”
Let daarop dat Jesus gesê het dit is nie genoeg om net te bid nie. Jy moet ook waak. Wees op jou hoede. Vra jouself die volgende vrae:
Wanneer word ek die meeste versoek?
Watter dag van die week? Watter tyd van die dag?
Waar kom ek die meeste in die versoeking?
By die werk? By ‘n vriend se huis? By die winkelsentrum? By ‘n sportkroeg? Miskien is dit in die kombuis of voor die rekenaar. Jy moet eerlik wees met jouself en die aard van jou swakheid en kwesbaarheid erken.
Wie is by my wanneer ek die meeste versoek word?
Kom ek meesal in die versoeking wanneer ek alleen is? Of wanneer ek saam met vriende is wat my in die verkeerde rigting lei? As ek tussen ‘n menigte vreemdelinge is en ek dink niemand sal my ken nie?
Hoe voel ek voordat ek versoek word?
Wat is die emosionele sneller? Is dit frustrasie, uitputting, woede, stres? Is dit verveeldheid of rusteloosheid? Is dit eensaamheid of selfbejammering?
Stap 3: Beplan vooraf wat jy NIE gaan doen NIE
Baken jou koers af, dan sal jy seker wees van elke tree. Moenie links of regs wegdraai nie, weerhou jou van die verkeerde koers.
SPREUKE 4:26-27
Beplan vooraf om weg te bly van mense, plekke of omstandighede wat veroorsaak dat jy kwesbaar is vir versoeking. As jy nie gesteek wil word nie, bly weg van die bye. Beplan wat jy nie gaan doen nie, en hou dan by jou plan.
Stap 4: Bewaak jou hart
Maar ’n mens word verlei deur sy eie begeertes wat hom aanlok en saamsleep.
Verleiding is ‘n gewetensaak in jou binneste. Die Duiwel kan jou niks laat doen nie. Hy kan probeer om jou in versoeking te lei, maar jou reaksie en optrede kom uit jou eie besluite, en jou besluite weerspieël die toestand van jou hart.
Wees veral versigtig met wat in jou hart omgaan, want dit bepaal jou hele lewe.
Stap 5: Bid vir verlossing
Die gebed van verlossing kom neer op net een woord: Help! Wanneer jou rug teen die muur is, as jy tot oor jou kop in die moeilikheid is, as dit lyk of alles en almal saamspan om jou ondergang te bewerkstellig, bid dan die Gebed van Verlossing. Roep na God om hulp.
Geen versoeking wat meer is as wat ’n mens kan weerstaan, het julle oorval nie. God is getrou. Hy sal nie toelaat dat julle bo julle kragte versoek word nie; as die versoeking kom, sal Hy ook die uitkoms gee, sodat julle dit kan weerstaan.
Stap 6: Herfokus jou aandag
Wat ookal jou aandag trek, trek jou. Die stryd teen die sonde begin altyd in jou gedagtes. Die enigste manier om daardie stryd te wen en die versoeking te ontsnap, is om jou fokus te verander en oor iets anders te dink.
Julle moenie aan hierdie sondige wêreld gelyk word nie, maar laat God julle verander deur julle denke te vernuwe. Dan sal julle ook kan onderskei wat die wil van God is, wat vir Hom goed en aanneemlik en volmaak is.
Stap 7: Kry ‘n vriend
Jy benodig ‘n geestelike maat om ‘n geestelike lewe te lei. As jy ‘n betroubare vriend gehad het aan wie jy jou versoekings kon bely, sou jy minder sondes hê om aan God te bely. As jy daardie soort vriend wil hê, moet jy ook daardie soort vriend wees.
Twee vaar beter as een. Hulle inspanning kom tot iets. As die een val, kan die ander hom ophelp. Maar as een val wat alleen is, is daar niemand om hom op te help nie.
Verdere hulpbronne wag vir jou in 40 Dae van Gebed.