Kairos Youth Centre, run by Tabernacle Church of God in Christ in Tembisa, is supported on a monthly basis by ttt4c (turn the tide 4 children) – which is associated with Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa.
Zimkhithabang Mmotong, one of the Youth Centre leaders, explains:
“We currently minister to two groups of children in our local community. We run a children’s outreach and a separate program for teenagers called ‘Teen’s Chill’.
During both these programs we teach Gods word and involve the young people in worship and praise. Songs, dramas, dance and games are an important part of what we do. We also give the children snacks and treats. Initially, some of the children come for the refreshments, but they end up becoming part of our family as they learn about God’s love. So the food plays a big role in bringing the children in.
Our children come from a community which is mostly poor, with most parents working and not often at home. This leaves the children on the streets and unattended – and therefore vulnerable to all sorts of bad behaviour and influences. We try to create a safe haven for these children. They can come to Kairos Youth Centre to do their homework with the help of an adult. The church gates are always open for the children to come in and play.
We also offer extra classes on Saturdays to help high school students with their school work. Some of the people who assist with these classes are university students, who were themselves once part of the outreach program to children and teenagers.
It is wonderful to watch them becoming responsible men and women – who love God and who are pursuing their dreams, while adding value to the community. Many have gone from being quite wild children on the street, to respectful and responsible young people in the community. It gives us great joy to know, that as we release them to adulthood, that they are going to make the world a better place.
We cannot but thank God for granting us an opportunity to minister to His beloved children.”