Pointers in running an effective Church Campaign

Many local churches in southern Africa have run highly successful Walk Thru the Bible-facilitated Church Campaigns. Here are some helpful pointers to help you as you consider your next Church Campaign.
Remember that Church Campaigns are not an end in themselves. Instead, church campaigns should ideally form part of a wider strategy, thus allowing you to capture and channel the energy generated by the church campaign.
Follow the Church Campaign ‘recipe’. Localise and adapt the structure of the Church Campaign for your community only where absolutely necessary. Don’t adapt the ‘recipe’ simply for the sake of it. There is a reason why it works!
While it is highly recommended to follow the general ‘recipe’, each Church Campaign has much in-built flexibility in order to make it your own.
Church Campaigns tend to reward the faith of the pastor – you get what you aim for. Therefore, expect and work towards much!
Plan an appropriate ‘down-time’ for your whole church at the conclusion of the Church Campaign and the related follow-up project. Church cannot sustain a continued high level of energy.
Ensure your appointed Campaign Director thoroughly goes through the Church Campaign Kit – fully understanding what it has to offer.