Helping people live God’s Word in 2020

Dear Ministry Friend

Thank you for partnering with Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa to
      help people everywhere live God’s Word.

This year, even in the middle of a pandemic, God has given us opportunities to help people understand the truth of the Bible and live it out. We praise God, not only for sustaining us, but also for ministry that has continued, evolved and grown. Your valuable contribution helped make this possible. 

As we reflect on the closing of a year and plan for a new one, it is good to be reminded again of:

Why we exist

Because God’s Word is hope to our communities

Our mission…

To serve the Body of Christ to impact every community

Our tools

Innovative live events
Transformational resources

Who we serve

Community-focused churches
Under-resourced pastors
The Biblically unengaged

Below are a few glimpses of how this has looked in real-life ministry over the last year. May you be encouraged by the testimonies of God at work in the lives of communities and individuals.


The Walk Thru the Bible team is grateful for the privilege of partnering with you and eagerly anticipate the growth and opportunities that await us in 2021.


I trust that you and your family will know the presence, grace and favour of our Lord over this Christmas time.

With warm regards,


Lee Helling
Regional Director – Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa

• Innovative live events

Crossing borders with technology & bringing Live Events to your home

“Crossing borders with technology & bringing Live Events to your home”

Lockdown brought many ‘firsts’ for us all. For Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa, this included our first online training of otLIVE instructors in Nigeria and India.

These otLIVE instructors are “like wildfire going through the schools” in Nigeria. They have already taught many events, where otLIVE is received with great excitement and enthusiasm.

Click here to read the full story and here to see the Nigerian instructors in action.

Recent otLIVE Events in Nigeria

Another first was the broadcast of otLIVE and ntLIVE directly to your home during lockdown.

These broadcasts were on our Walk Thru the Bible Youtube channel and Facebook page and encouraged us all to Step into the Story. What a fun interactive way for families to together learn the big picture of the Old and New Testament! This was followed by the broadcast of Home Team, which focused on helping families work together.

If you missed these broadcasts, please click on the following links to catch up:
Step into the Story (otLive)
Step into the Story NT
Home Team

• Transformational resources

New ready to use sermons from Pastor’s Circle

Click here to download sermons in either English, IsiZulu or SeSotho. These are available  
  as an audio MP3 or as a transcript (PDF file).

What pastors are saying about the sermons:

“The sermons are so easy to use, easy to understand and easy to take back to my people!”

The content and teaching in these sermon tools is 100%. These messages will help to heal me first, and then I can bring the message to my people.”

KidZ at Heart – a great training resource for those who want to reach and teach kids for Christ

KidZ at Heart helps bring the Bible to life, helping children to connect with God.  KidZ at Heart also works in any cultural context, without the need for expensive curriculum.

Click here to read “Why I am passionate about KidZ at Heart” and here for more information.

• Community-focused churches

The hands and feet of Christ during these challenging times

“The hands and feet of Christ during these challenging times”

Walk Thru the Bible, in partnership with turn the tide 4 children, provides support to church-run projects which minister to vulnerable children. These projects are actively involved in Bible teaching and discipling the children, as well as meeting some of their physical needs.

The projects are in poverty-stricken communities, where unemployment and poverty are some of the many challenges that families face. Due to lockdown, many of these projects had to adapt – both to meet the increased needs within their communities and to comply with government restrictions.

Please pray for these projects – as they are the hands and feet of Christ during these challenging days – and as they bring the Word of God and meet the physical needs of the people.

Click here to read about a project who are “Trying to do what Jesus would do”
and here to read how “The food parcels were an answer to prayer”.

• Under-resourced pastors

Pastor’s Circle brings hope and is so relevant to our communities

“Pastor’s Circle brings hope and is so relevant to our communities”

We have been so encouraged by the feedback we have received from Pastor’s Circle. Since the last Pastor’s Circle training event, just days before the lockdown, the pastors have already taught three times more people than in the previous six months!

Pastor’s are saying:

“The sermons are so easy to use! They help to educate you and develop you to know how to preach.”  

People need this teaching. They are so thirsty for the Word of God.” 

Click here to read how one passionate pastor kept preaching the Pastor’s Circle sermons during lockdown.

More about Pastor’s Circle…

Pastor’s Circle encourages Bible teaching by providing easy-to-use sermons and tools for pastors, as well as a network of support. The aim is to support the local church, recognising that pastors face immense challenges that often include a lack of resources and training.

• The Biblically unengaged

Striving to help people everywhere live God’s Word

“Striving to help people everywhere live God’s Word”

Click to read about 

otLIVE: equipping those who minister in the inner city    

The group from MES who recently did otLIVE as part of their training for ministry to street children and the homeless in Johannesburg

For more on partnering with Walk Thru the Bible see