We praise God for the impact that otLIVE is having in rural Bible Schools
in Limpopo – so well summed up in this testimony:
otLIVE has been such a help to me. With excitement, I can now easily explain the Bible to someone!

Hear from Ishmael Mutumwa,
who teaches otLIVE at the Bible schools in villages and on farms
– to pastors, church leaders, and church members:
When I think about why I like teaching otLIVE, I first need to reflect on what otLIVE has done for me personally!
It has literally opened my eyes and unlocked the Bible! Before otLIVE, I was studying the Bible haphazardly. I have been a pastor since 2012 but I couldn’t understand how the stories all fit together. So, it also affected my interpretation and preaching – which can then easily be out of context.
OtLIVE really helped the Bible come alive to me. Now I read and study the Bible with understanding – for the first time knowing how it all fits together. In fact, otLIVE has opened my mind and now, it’s stuck in my head and heart – and I love studying the Word. I can understand what happened chronologically and even visualize a map of the area.
We really need this in our context, with many untrained pastors, it can be difficult for pastors and many of them don’t understand the Word. In fact, otLIVE is a necessity for churches so that pastors can equip their people with this knowledge. This what we need to do for everyone. Now that I am teaching otLIVE at the Bible Schools, pastors, and church leaders are bringing testimonies about it. It’s so important, even to teach in schools because kids need this.
I love that the Bible was unlocked for me. Now, by teaching otLIVE, I unlock it for others. I love seeing people’s eyes light up as they start to understand the Word that was given to us. We will know Him fully in eternity, but we can know Him through His Word now. I want this for people. I want to dispel the confusion that comes from not understanding.
Feedback from some of the attendees at the Bible Schools
Leonard (farm foreman in Moeketsi)
I loved that otLIVE helped me learn in action form.This is now helping me to remember all the events in the Bible in their order. It has given me a vision of what happened where and helped me to understand so much about the Bible!

otLIVE drew such a clear picture of the Bible for me, it feels liberating! It feels like previously I was reading the Bible from a blind point of view. Now, I see the major people and events in the Bible clearly. This is so important in our rural churches. People really need an understanding of what the Bible is all about!
Zondi (from GA-Sekgopo village)
otLIVE has inspired me to read the BIble daily – because now I understand it with ease. It has simplified the Bible for me and helped me to understand how events unfolded. As a retired teacher, I can say that we really need otLIVE in our public schools.

otLIVE really broadened my view of the Old Testament. Now the structure of the books of the Bible are easy to understand. I recommend it for every church and family. This is also such an important tool for schools.
otLIVE is Walk Thru the Bible’s Old Testament overview live event
– helping people to learn the big picture of the Bible, and the major people, places and events in just a few hours.