helping people everywhere live God's WordThe Bible changes everything…
Thank you! And our Christmas prayer for you…
– from our team of staff and volunteers
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards November 2023
otPANORAMIC on TBN this Dec / The context we needed / Walk with Jesus / A discipline of thanks / Meet Kyla otPANORAMIC on TBN this December.Filmed on some of the most famous mountains in the Old Testament, learn what happened there, how God met with a person in a big...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards October 2023
Improve relationships / People Puzzle instructor training / Scripture Union instructors / Giving God our emotions / Coming soonImprove relationships in every area of your life.Sharpening Your People Skills is a one-day Live Event that will help you to do just that!...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards September 2023
Rural Bible Schools / 90 Days Thru the Bible / 100 new otLIVE instructors / Lavish love / Meet Tshepo otLIVE: Unlocking the Bible in rural Bible Schools in Limpopo.“otLIVE has been such a help to me. With excitement, I can now easily explain the Bible to someone.”90...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards July 2023
New free resource / Enjoy this glimpse / World religions / God of angel armies / Great for parents tooNew free resource: Names of God.Learn how God has revealed His heart through the names He gives Himself throughout Scripture. Join the thousands already benefiting...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards June 2023
Hope in Ukraine / Free resource / Detour / God unveiled / Meet AlpheusHope in Ukraine. “There are challenges, but also so many miracles”.In just the last year, over 47,000 children in Ukraine have heard God’s Word taught through otLIVE. Praise God that, despite the...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards May 2023
Doors open in Zimbabwe / Our Sunday School is growing / Crucible / Where is your heart? / Transforming young livesotLIVE in Zimbabwean schools:“Doors are open to teach otLIVE in many schools in my area.” To see our newly trained Zimbabwean otLIVE instructors in action...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards April 2023
Reaching children in Malawi / Growing marriages / Begi‘N’nings / Irreplaceable you / Faithful leader awardReaching children in Malawi schools.“otLIVE has helped me to know the love of God and that He gives us time to repent and come back to Him”. Read more from other...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards March 2023
Celebrating 111,493 / Training pastors / Five lies / The great battle / Spreading hopeCelebrating over 100,000 Southern Africans in otLIVE in 2022We are celebrating over 100,000 Southern Africans in otLIVE in 2022 who learnt the major people and events of the Old...
Walk Thru the Bible PostCards February 2023
4 tips / God speaks to children / Biblical parenting / Step into the Story / Subscribe4 tips to maximize your Bible reading.With the start of a new year, many have renewed interest and commitment to reading the Bible. So as you get started, or continue your Bible...