Nov 28, 2019 | 1. Impact - Feature Frontpage, Impact - KidZ At Heart, Impact - ttt4c, Impact - Walk Thru the Bible, Impact Stories
I have always had a passion to minister to children. A concern, though, has always been the number of children who fall away – and the reason for this.

I believe that so key in addressing this, is not just teaching children about God, but teaching children to connect with God for themselves.
And the KidZ at Heart (KAH) training equips teachers to do just this!
KAH addresses teaching children how to hear from God through Scripture. But first the teachers who attend the training, need to learn to do this for themselves. The children need to see this modelled by the influential people in their lives – and so this training is as important for parents as it is for teaches! KAH teaches children how to have a growing relationship with God – is there anything more important?”
~ Lynnette Stander, KAH Regional Trainer Southern Africa
For more information on KidZ at Heart please click here
Nov 22, 2019 | 1. Impact - Feature Frontpage, Impact - KidZ At Heart, Impact - ttt4c, Impact - Walk Thru the Bible, Impact Stories, Uncategorized
We have been so encouraged by the testimonies we have received after KidZ at Heart training events:
“I had come to the point where I felt really despondent as a teacher and unsure about whether I should go on. But after doing the KAH training, I have learnt how to minister to the spiritual needs of the children. I now have new vision for my teaching.” ~ Anonymous

“One of the most powerful lessons I learnt from KidZ at Heart (KAH) was to be able to teach children how to hear from God for themselves. You can actually see it on the faces of the children – their expressions change as they realize that God speaks to them too.
The KAH training was so valuable – so much so, that we will be running it at our church again next year. It really impacted our teachers spiritually and also provided valuable skills and practical ‘how to’s’ in terms of reaching and impacting the children.”
~ Juanita, Sunday School leader, Fokus Deo, Limpopo
“The KAH training really changed me! As a crèche owner, I work with children all day. It was so vital to be reminded again about the importance of sitting at the feet of God and discerning His voice. It’s not about the right or wrong way of doing things, but really about being obedient to what God is telling us to do – because if we are not, we could miss the opportunities that He gives for really reaching a child. We have to be dependent on the Holy Spirit and not fall into the trap of rushing to the next thing. The session on how to lead a child to Christ was also so helpful.
The sessions didn’t just impact me spiritually, but also provided great practical skills and understanding regarding different learning styles. I look forward to the next KAH training.”
~ Cindy
“What is amazing to me is how much I grew spiritually during the KAH training. Your heart really needs to be in it – and when it is the children can see the difference – and it works!
I now teach with greater enthusiasm. I always did my best before, but now my lessons are so much better. I also use what I learnt with my own children. KAH is not just for teachers…. every parent should do this.”
~ Rentia, parent and Sunday School teacher
For more information on attending a KAH training event, please click here
Nov 19, 2019 | 1. Impact - Feature Frontpage, Impact - High Impact Network, Impact - ttt4c, Impact - Walk Thru the Bible
Agape Warriors, run by Agape Family Church in Katlehong, currently minister to 250 children on a weekly basis – with the distinct aim of catering to the spiritual needs of the children. They are supported on a monthly basis by turn the tide 4 children (ttt4c) – which is associated with Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa.

Project leader, Charmaine Mtanyelwa explains:
“These children face many challenges – including poverty, broken families, alcoholism and illiteracy. We want them to know that regardless of their backgrounds, Christ loves and cares for them. Around here, Ncala is an area that is quite notorious – known for its high crime rate and instability. Agape Warriors have specifically identified the children from this community and sought to make a difference in their lives. So we transport the children from Ncala to church every Sunday – so that they can participate in the project. We do Bible lessons that are child friendly and include activities that help the children apply the lesson.
We have been so encouraged to see the impact of the project on the lives of the children. We have had parents who have come to church and given their lives to the Lord, because of their children being part of Agape Warriors. Parents share amazing stories with us – also about how their children’s behaviour has changed for the better. We never cease to give God the glory for these precious souls that He has entrusted into our care.

In addition to Sunday programs, Agape Warriors also run a program in the school holiday which caters for 400 children. During this time the children are taught life changing and Biblical principles through games and group work. They are also given breakfast and lunch. It is so important to know that the children are safe and fed during the holidays.
We face many challenges and social ills in our community – but this does not derail the passion that we have for children. We believe: “train up a child in the way he should go; when he is old he will not depart from it.” Great citizens begin with well-trained children.
Our gratitude goes to ttt4c for the monthly financial assistance we receive for this project. Thank you to the ttt4c donors who make this possible.”
** turn the tide 4 children (tt4c) is associated with Walk Thru the Bible
Nov 19, 2019 | 1. Impact - Feature Frontpage, Impact - High Impact Network, Impact - ttt4c, Impact - Walk Thru the Bible, Impact Stories
Run by Living Hope Tabernacle in Soweto, Johannesburg
This turn the tide 4 children (ttt4c) supported children’s project provides after school care and support to 180 children between the ages of six and eleven. (ttt4c is associated with Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa.)
Project workers provide the children with a meal and assist with homework. They also do Bible teaching and various extra-curricular activities with the children. In order to help address emotional and psychological needs, the project is in partnership with social workers – as well as with other stakeholders such as the ‘help to read program’.

The children face may difficulties and mostly come from impoverished home environments. Many live with grandmothers (due to the death of their own parents) or with unemployed single mothers.
According to project worker, Vuyiswa Sifile: “We are so happy to see the transformation in many of the children. We even have parents asking us to assist them with their children’s behaviour. Some have even joined our church because of their children being in the project.”

In addition to the after school care program, the Eagle Youth Empowerment Project also runs an annual holiday program in order to reach out to other children in the community.
Our grateful thanks to the turn the tide 4 children (ttt4c) donors who provide financial support for the various children’s projects that are run by High Impact Network Churches.
** ttt4c is associated with Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa.
Jun 3, 2016 | 1. Impact - Feature Frontpage, Impact - clothing4children, Impact - ttt4c, Impact Stories
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“Your partnership with us is invaluable”
As part of the vision to see communities maximally impacted, food parcels have been distributed to churches in the High Impact Network. This assists in meeting significant needs in the community – and at times, also includes the distribution of clothing.
Pastor Lebogang Pule from New Life Church of the Nazarene in Soweto reports:
“It is through initiatives such as the food and clothing we receive from turn the tide 4 children that we are able to serve the community and meaningfully respond to their needs. As a congregation, we are caring for the destitute in the community. This began years ago when we started an Aftercare Project – specifically for children from destitute families – and the project is still growing.
The timing of the food we received was truly impeccable. The people who received the food included Granny M, widows and young people. It was good to see people sharing so that everybody left with something – according to to
heir needs.
Thank you turn the tide 4 children for equipping us with resources, training and tangible goods. Your partnership with us is invaluable. You are a crucial part of who I am. And to the donors – thank you, great is your reward.”
For further information contact the Walk Thru the Bible Office.
Aug 1, 2012 | Impact - blankets4children, Impact - ttt4c, Impact Stories
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Kidz Winter Blanket Drive
Nazareth Family Church of Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal recently hosted a very successful Kidz Winter Blanket Drive.
This was a much anticipated event – which was advertised on the community radio station and in the newspaper. All the children in the church were also requested to invite friends. As a result, 230 children attended the Kidz Winter Blanket Drive held over two days on the 12th and 13th of July 2012.
Pastor Paul and Lucy Pillay of Nazareth Family Church explain how during the church’s recent time of prayer and fasting, money had been raised by members of the congregation to purchase 200 blankets from turn the tide 4 children. Turn the tide 4 children doubled this number – bringing the total to 400 blankets!

The church was then able to distribute 250 of these blankets to needy children in the community during this Winter Blanket Drive. (150 blankets were also distributed to young people, who had been sponsored by the church to attend a youth camp.
A further 100 blankets were given to East Coast Radio for their winter blanket collection.)
Pastor Pillay reports: “Members of our congregation really got behind this – taking time off from work to be involved, and giving sacrificially. Thank you also to all the donors who were involved!”
Pastor Pillay also reminds of us of how Jesus was moved with compassion when he saw the need of the people – and how we need to take the initiative in meeting the needs of those around us! Jesus didn’t just cater for the spiritual needs of the people, but took care of their physical needs as well.
It was also encouraging to see the involvement of various key role players in the community during the Kidz Winter Blanket drive. The South African Police, Metro Police for Road Safety, Fire Department, Child Welfare and the Anti-Drug Forum were all part of the exciting programme – and taught the children about current social problems including crime, violence, child abuse, safety and drug abuse. The children were enthralled to see the SAP mounted division and a demonstration by the Fire Department.

The children were also provided with food during the two days of the programme – and enjoyed jumping castles, pony rides, arts and crafts, drama, face painting and a dance and praise-a-thon!
Well done Nazareth Family Church – what an inspiring example of meeting needs and uniting the various role players in the community in doing so!
(Nazareth Family Church also just hosted a Kidz At Heart Training event at the end of July – with the aim of equipping people to reach and teach children for Christ.
Click here for more information on turn the tide 4 children and our blankets4children project.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Insert a photo gallery here[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]